Yes, heart health is genetic. Here’s how you can use that to your advantage…

First off, let me make this clear: your DNA is not a prison sentence.
Yes, heart health is linked to your genetics. But having a genetic risk for heart disease does not mean you will definitely develop heart disease.
And with technology today, it’s easier than ever to prevent our genetic risks.
When it comes to heart health, that’s no small feat.
About one-third of deaths worldwide are due to heart disease, and it’s predicted that 1 in 3 heart disease deaths in the US could be prevented. [1,2]
According to the CDC, over 18 million US adults have coronary artery disease, and this number keeps increasing. [3]
But on a positive note, death rates have steadily gone down. With the personalized health technology we have today, they’ll only keep decreasing. [4]
DNA and Your Heart
So how does DNA play a role in heart health?
The most direct way is through inherited cardiomyopathies. A DNA test can determine if you have the mutations for those conditions [5].
But for the overwhelming majority of us, heart disease isn’t inherited. But risk factors for heart disease are.
Up to 40% of differences in people’s chances to experience heart health issues may be attributed to genetics. Genes that may contribute to heart health influence: [6]
- Fat metabolism (APOE, APOB, LPL, LPA, PCSK9)
- Inflammation (IL5, IL6R)
- Blood clotting (SERPINA1)
- Blood vessel function (NOS3, TGFB1, VEGFA, ANGPTL4)
Why I was nervous
Like a lot of people with a family history of heart disease, I was nervous.
Bad heart health ran in my mother’s side: her father and grandfather both passed away from heart disease before 65, and her brother is currently dealing with his own heart issues.
I’ve always feared that I’d inevitably suffer from heart problems. It was only a matter of when to me. A lot of hypochondria and worry stemmed from this one assumption I made based on family history.
Luckily, we’re no longer living in a time where you have to idly stand by as your genetics impact your health.
I was able to see which genetic variants are affecting my heart health most and make changes to my diet, lifestyle and supplementation to mitigate their negative effects.
Three of my gene variants were especially impacting my heart health: FABP2, MTHFR, and CYP7A1.
My FABP2 variant makes me especially susceptible to high cholesterol when consuming saturated fats. As a result, SelfDecode recommended I choose healthy fats in my diet to address this genetic predisposition.
My MTHFR variant is linked to poor heart vessel health. Because of this, SelfDecode recommended I follow the Mediterranean diet which prevents fat from clogging up blood vessels.
To keep my heart in good health, SelfDecode recommends I add nuts into my diet. Plant sterols (which nuts have a ton of) may reduce “bad” cholesterol more in people with my CYP7A1 gene variant.
After going through and implementing the recommendations from my Heart Health Report, I no longer worry about my genetic risks because I know I’ve addressed them as best I can.
If you’re interested in seeing your own genetic heart risks and recommendations to address your “problem genes”, SelfDecode’s Heart Health Report analyzes 11,907 genetic variants linked to heart health, giving you the fullest possible picture of your health.
But DNA is only part of the story
Like I mentioned before, genetic risk isn’t the end-all-be-all when it comes to heart health. Your environment also has a high impact.
And while DNA reports give you an amazing indicator of your future risks, labs give you the full picture of your current health.
Some lab levels related to heart health that you may want to check:
- Lipoprotein
- Triglycerides
- Insulin
- Magnesium
- hs-CRP
With a SelfDecode subscription, you can upload your labs directly and get much more detailed information about your results.
While Doctors may tell you about a few levels that aren’t in the “normal” range, SelfDecode Labs shows you how far your levels are from the optimal range and gives you recommendations on how to get there.